University of Genoa
The University of Genoa (founded in 1481) is one of the largest in Italy, with over 40,000 students and 1800 academic staff. It is divided into 5 schools, comprising a total of 23 departments. The Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering (DICCA) is involved in the POLKA project. It hosts around 15 senior experts in fluid mechanics, involved in a variety of applied and fundamental topics. The quality of the research carried out at the department is attested by the large number of publications produced annually in peer-reviewed journals. Several academics are (or have been) members of the governing body of the European Association for Mechanics (Euromech). The department has several on-going international collaborations and research grants awarded from various sources, e.g. ONR and ARO (US Offices of Naval and Army Research), ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment), INSEAN (The Italian National Agency for Navigation), the European Union, ENI (the Italian National Agency for Fuel), etc.
Genoa is supervising the ESR for research task 3.3.