The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Genova is consistently ranked among the first three Engineering Faculties in Italy according to statistics compiled by CENSIS for Repubblica (one of the leading national newspapers), based on quality of teaching and research, quality of the faculty, international relations and productivity. The department where the TANGO project will be performed hosts around fifteen senior experts in fluid mechanics, involved in a variety of applied and fundamental topics. The quality of the research carried out at the department is attested by the large number of publications produced annually in peer-reviewed journals, by the number of invited papers in the last ten years (among which, two papers in the Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, with one more in progress by Prof. Bottaro, one in the 50th Anniversary Issue of the J. Fluid Mechanics, one Focus on Fluids paper in the J. Fluid Mech., etc.), by the consistent membership of one department member in governing bodies of the major European Association for Mechanics (Euromech), by the large number of ongoing international collaborations and research grants awarded to members of the department from various organisations, e.g. ONR and ARO (US Offices of Naval and Army Research), ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Envir.), INSEAN (The Italian National Agency for Navigation), the European Union, ENI (the Italian National Agency for Fuel), UIC (Int. Union of Railways), etc.
TANGO Network projects
Task 3.7 – Numerical and analytical study of industrial gas turbine (Position Filled)