Bekaert Combustion Technology BV
Bekaert Combustion Technology is a business unit of NV Bekaert SA, a Belgian multinational in steel cord and wire solutions, which employs approximately 28,000 people worldwide. Bekaert was founded in 2005. It is an SME, employing 150 people, with an annual turnover of nearly €60m. Its core business is the manufacturing and marketing of premixed burners for use in commercial and domestic boilers and also of aluminium cast heat exchangers. The R&D department of Bekaert Combustion Technology is located in Assen, the Netherlands. The site has 20 employees (1 R&D manager, 4 R&D project managers, 2 technology managers, 7 R&D engineers and 6 lab technicians).The R&D work of Bekaert focuses on finding solutions for customers with thermoacoustic problems and on developing versatile combustion systems with minimal environmental impact. Bekaert has strong research collaborations with academic institutions, in particular with the TU Eindhoven, TU Delft, KU Leuven and University of Groningen.
Bekaert is supervising the ESR for research task 5.2.