POLKA - Pollution Know-how and Abatement


Mico Hirschberg

Mico Hirschberg

Emeritus Professor of Gas Dynamics/Aero-acoustics at the Technical University of Eindhoven and of Experimental Aero-acoustics at the University of Twente.
30+ years' research and supervisory experience in aero-acoustics.
Co-author of 72 refereed journal articles and 5 book chapters on diverse topics within his field.
Delivered 35 undergraduate and 19 postgraduate lecture courses on aero-acoustics during his long teaching career.
Provided 6 published lecture notes e.g. S.W.Rienstra & A. Hirschberg "Introduction to acoustics", see: www.win.tue.nl/~sjoerdr/papers/boek.pdf
Member of the Editorial Board of Experiments in Fluids
Associate Editor of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (until 2016)
Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America (ASA)
Member of the Nederlandse Akoestisch Genootschap (NAG) and Société Française d’Acoustique (SFA)
Médaille Étrangère of the SFA (1997)
Doak Award (2015) Journal of Sound and Vibration, Elsevier
Senior scientific advisor